Sampling & Estimation

Illuri Sandeep
15 min readApr 12, 2024


Before deep diving into Sampling and Estimation, let’s craft a succinct introduction focusing on statistical inference and its relationship with sampling and estimation:

Introduction: Navigating the Seas of Statistical Inference

In the vast ocean of data, statistical inference serves as our compass, guiding us through the fog of uncertainty towards meaningful insights. At its essence, statistical inference is the process of extracting knowledge from data to make informed decisions about a larger population. It’s the cornerstone of empirical research, business analytics, and scientific inquiry.

Population VS Sample

A population is the entire group that you want to draw conclusions about.

A sample is the specific group that you will collect data from. The size of the sample is always less than the total size of the population.

In research, a population doesn’t always refer to people. It can mean a group containing elements of anything you want to study, such as objects, events, organizations, countries, species, organisms, etc.

Understanding Statistical Inference: Imagine you’re tasked with estimating the average height of all students in a university. It’s impractical (and often impossible) to measure every student’s height. Instead, we rely on statistical inference. By sampling a subset of students and measuring their heights, we can make educated guesses about the average height of the entire student body. This is where sampling and estimation come into play.

The Role of Sampling

Sampling involves selecting a representative subset of individuals or observations from a larger population. It’s akin to dipping a ladle into a vast soup pot to get a taste of its flavor. Through careful sampling techniques, we capture the essence of the population without exhausting our resources.

The Power of Estimation

Once we have our sample, estimation comes into play. Estimation allows us to use the information gathered from the sample to make educated guesses about population parameters. Whether it’s estimating the average income of households or the prevalence of a disease in a community, estimation empowers us to make informed decisions based on limited data.

Bringing It All Together

Sampling and estimation work hand in hand to unlock the secrets hidden within data. By harnessing the principles of statistical inference, we can navigate the complexities of real-world problems with confidence. In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve deeper into the mechanics of sampling and estimation, unraveling their intricacies and practical applications.

Join us on this journey as we explore the art and science of sampling and estimation, uncovering the tools that empower us to make sense of the world through the lens of statistics.

Unveiling the Essence of Sampling: A Gateway to Statistical Insights

In the realm of statistical analysis, sampling stands as a pivotal gateway, enabling researchers to draw meaningful conclusions about vast populations without exhausting resources. As we embark on our journey to explore the nuances of sampling, we’ll unravel its significance, drawing parallels with recent trending topics, and dissecting its various types.

The Significance of Sampling

Imagine you’re a social scientist aiming to gauge public sentiment towards a pressing societal issue, such as climate change. Surveying the entire global population would be an astronomical feat, both in terms of time and resources. This is where sampling comes to the rescue.

Sampling involves selecting a subset of individuals or observations from a larger population with the intention of drawing inferences about the population as a whole. By surveying a representative sample, researchers can extrapolate their findings to the broader population, gaining valuable insights without the burden of exhaustive data collection.

Trending Example: COVID-19 Vaccination Surveys

Amidst the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, policymakers urgently need to gauge public willingness to receive vaccinations. Surveying every individual across the globe would be a monumental task. Enter sampling. By surveying a carefully selected group of people — a sample — researchers can estimate the broader population’s attitudes towards vaccination, guiding targeted public health interventions without the immense time and resources required for a complete census.

Sampling is incredibly useful in many fields for several reasons:

Cost and Time Efficiency: It’s often impractical, if not impossible, to study an entire population due to constraints on resources such as time, money, and manpower. Sampling allows researchers to gather information and draw conclusions more quickly and inexpensively.

Practicality: Some populations are so large or dispersed that studying every individual is simply not feasible. Sampling allows researchers to study a manageable subset of the population while still gaining valuable insights.

Accuracy: When done correctly, sampling can provide accurate and reliable estimates about the characteristics of a population. By selecting a representative sample, researchers can minimize bias and ensure that their findings are applicable to the entire population.

Risk Reduction: Sampling can help mitigate the risks associated with data collection. For example, in medical research, it’s often safer and more ethical to test a new treatment on a small sample of patients before administering it to a larger population.

Inferential Power: By studying a sample, researchers can make inferences or generalizations about the population from which the sample was drawn. This allows them to apply their findings to a broader context and make predictions or recommendations based on the sample data.

Types of Sampling: Probability vs Non-Probability

Sampling techniques can be broadly categorized into two main types: probability sampling and non-probability sampling. Each method offers unique advantages and is suited to different research scenarios.

  • Probability sampling involves random selection, allowing you to make strong statistical inferences about the whole group.
  • Non-probability sampling involves non-random selection based on convenience or other criteria, allowing you to easily collect data.

Probability Sampling

Probability sampling involves selecting samples based on randomization, ensuring every element in the population has a known and non-zero chance of being included in the sample. This approach enhances the representativeness of the sample and allows for the application of statistical principles with greater confidence.

Types of Probability Sampling:

  1. Simple Random Sampling
  2. Stratified Sampling
  3. Systematic Sampling
  4. Cluster Sampling

Let’s discuss each probability sampling technique in detail:

1. Simple Random Sampling:

Simple random sampling involves selecting individuals or items from a population in such a way that every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. It’s like conducting a lottery where each member of the population has an equal opportunity to win.

Suppose you have a population of 1000 students in a school, and you want to select a sample of 100 students for a survey. In simple random sampling, you would assign a unique number to each student and then use a random number generator to select 100 numbers from 1 to 1000. The students corresponding to these numbers would form your sample.


  1. Easy to understand and implement.
  2. Ensures every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
  3. Minimizes bias when the population is homogeneous.

2. Stratified Sampling:

Stratified sampling involves dividing the population into distinct subgroups or strata based on certain characteristics (e.g., age, gender, income level) and then selecting samples independently from each stratum. This ensures representation from each subgroup in the sample.

Suppose you want to estimate the average income of households in a city. You divide the population into three strata based on income level: low-income, middle-income, and high-income households. Then, you randomly select a sample of households from each stratum, ensuring representation from all income levels in your sample.

Ensures representation from each subgroup or stratum in the population.
2. Allows for more precise estimates when there are significant differences between subgroups.

3. Systematic Sampling:

Systematic sampling involves selecting every nth individual from the population after a random start. It’s like picking every nth item from a list or sequence.

Suppose you have a population of 1000 employees in a company, and you want to select a sample of 100 employees for a survey. In systematic sampling, you would randomly select a starting point (e.g., the 5th employee) and then select every 10th employee thereafter until you reach the desired sample size.

Simple and easy to implement.
2. Provides a systematic approach to sampling without requiring a complete list of the population.

4. Cluster Sampling:

Cluster sampling involves dividing the population into clusters (e.g., schools, neighborhoods) and then selecting a random sample of clusters to be included in the study. All individuals within the selected clusters are then included in the sample.

Suppose you want to study the prevalence of a disease in a city. You divide the city into neighborhoods (clusters) and then randomly select a sample of neighborhoods to be included in the study. All residents within the selected neighborhoods are then included in the sample for testing.

More cost-effective and time-efficient when the population is large and dispersed.
2. Practical for sampling populations that are naturally occurring in clusters.

Each probability sampling technique offers its own advantages and is suited to different research contexts. By understanding the principles and characteristics of each technique, researchers can choose the most appropriate sampling method to obtain representative samples and make valid statistical inferences about the population of interest.

Non-Probability Sampling

Non-probability sampling techniques are sampling methods where the likelihood of any member of the population being selected for the sample is unknown or unequal. While these methods do not guarantee representative samples, they are often used when it’s impractical or impossible to use probability sampling techniques.

Types of Non-probability sampling:

  1. Convenience sampling
  2. Purposive/ Judgmental sampling
  3. Snowball sampling
  4. Quota Sampling

Let’s discuss each non-probability sampling techniques in detail:

1. Convenience Sampling:

Convenience sampling involves selecting individuals who are readily available or easily accessible to the researcher. This method relies on convenience rather than randomness, making it susceptible to sampling bias.

Suppose a researcher wants to study the opinions of shoppers about a new product. They might conduct interviews with shoppers at a nearby shopping mall. Since the sample consists of individuals who happened to be at the mall at that time, it’s a convenience sample.

Quick and easy to implement.
2.Useful for exploratory research or when time and resources are limited.

Prone to selection bias as certain groups may be overrepresented or underrepresented.
2. Results may not be generalizable to the broader population.

2. Judgmental Sampling (or Purposive Sampling):

Judgmental sampling involves the deliberate selection of individuals based on the researcher’s judgment or expertise. The researcher selects individuals who are believed to be representative or knowledgeable about the topic of interest.

In a study on the effectiveness of a new teaching method, a researcher may purposefully select teachers who are known for their innovative teaching practices or who have experience implementing similar methods.

Useful for studying specialized or hard-to-reach populations.
2. Allows researchers to focus on specific characteristics relevant to the research question.

Subject to researcher bias, as the selection is based on subjective judgment.
2. Results may lack generalizability to the broader population.

3. Snowball Sampling:

Snowball sampling involves identifying initial participants who meet the inclusion criteria and then asking them to refer other potential participants. This method is often used when the population of interest is difficult to access or locate.

In a study on the experiences of undocumented immigrants, researchers may start by interviewing a few individuals who are known to be undocumented. These initial participants may then refer the researchers to other undocumented individuals within their social networks.

Useful for studying hidden or marginalized populations.
2. Facilitates access to hard-to-reach individuals through referrals.

Prone to sampling bias as the sample may be limited to individuals who are well-connected or willing to participate.
2. Difficult to control the size and composition of the sample.

4. Quota Sampling:

Quota sampling involves selecting individuals into the sample based on pre-defined quotas or proportions to ensure that certain characteristics are represented in the sample. However, unlike stratified sampling, quota sampling does not involve random selection within each quota, making it a non-probability sampling method.

Suppose a market research firm wants to conduct a survey on smartphone preferences among different age groups. They may set quotas for each age group (e.g., 18–24, 25–34, 35–44, etc.) based on the demographics of the population. Interviewers would then be instructed to recruit participants until each quota is filled, regardless of whether the selection is random within each age group.

Allows for greater control over the composition of the sample, ensuring adequate representation of key characteristics.
2. Can be more cost-effective and time-efficient compared to probability sampling methods.

Prone to selection bias if the selection of individuals within each quota is not random.
2. Results may not be generalizable to the broader population if quotas are not accurately defined or if certain groups are underrepresented.

Non-probability sampling techniques offer flexibility and practicality in situations where probability sampling methods are not feasible. While they may lack the rigor and generalizability of probability sampling, non-probability sampling techniques can still provide valuable insights, particularly in exploratory or qualitative research contexts. Researchers should carefully consider the strengths and limitations of each non-probability sampling method when designing their studies.

What is Optimum Sample Size?

Finding the optimum sample size is a crucial aspect of research design as it directly impacts the reliability and precision of study findings. A sample size that is too small may lead to imprecise estimates, while a sample size that is too large may waste resources without providing additional benefits. Let’s explore how to determine the optimum sample size and illustrate it with an example:

Determining the Optimum Sample Size:

1. Define Population Variability:
Understand the variability within the population being studied. Variability refers to the extent to which individual observations in the population differ from each other. Higher variability typically requires larger sample sizes to achieve reliable estimates.

2. Set Confidence Level and Margin of Error:
Determine the desired confidence level, which represents the likelihood that the true population parameter falls within a specified range. Also, specify the margin of error, which indicates the maximum acceptable difference between the sample estimate and the true population parameter.

3. Calculate Sample Size Formula:
Use statistical formulas or online calculators to determine the required sample size based on the population variability, confidence level, and margin of error. Common formulas include those for estimating population means, proportions, or differences between means or proportions.

4. Consider Practical Constraints:
Take into account practical constraints such as budget, time, and resources. While a larger sample size generally provides more precise estimates, it may not always be feasible due to limitations in resources or accessibility to the population.

5. Pilot Studies and Sensitivity Analysis:
Conduct pilot studies or sensitivity analyses to assess the impact of different sample sizes on study outcomes. This can help identify the minimum sample size required to achieve the desired level of precision.

Example: Determining Optimum Sample Size for Customer Satisfaction Survey:

Suppose a company wants to conduct a customer satisfaction survey to estimate the proportion of satisfied customers with a new product. The company aims to achieve a 95% confidence level with a margin of error of 5%.

1. Population Variability:
Based on historical data, the company estimates that the proportion of satisfied customers in the population is around 70%.

2. Set Confidence Level and Margin of Error:
The company chooses a 95% confidence level and a margin of error of 5%.

3. Calculate Sample Size Formula:

The Cochran formula allows you to calculate an ideal sample size given a desired level of precision, desired confidence level, and the estimated proportion of the attribute present in the population.

Cochran’s formula is considered especially appropriate in situations with large populations. A sample of any given size provides more information about a smaller population than a larger one, so there’s a ‘correction’ through which the number given by Cochran’s formula can be reduced if the whole population is relatively small.
Using the formula for estimating population proportions, the required sample size can be calculated as:


  • e is the desired level of precision (i.e. the margin of error), here it is 5%(0.05)
  • p is the (estimated) proportion of the population which has the attribute in question, here it is 70%(0.70).
  • q is 1 — p.(0.30)
  • The z-value is found in a Z table.(e.g., 1.96 for 95% confidence interval)

4. Consider Practical Constraints:
The company assesses its budget and resources and determines that surveying 384 customers would be feasible within its constraints.

5. Pilot Studies and Sensitivity Analysis:
The company may conduct pilot surveys with different sample sizes (e.g., 300, 350, 400) to evaluate the precision of estimates and choose the optimum sample size that balances precision with practicality.

By following these steps, the company can determine the optimum sample size for its customer satisfaction survey, ensuring reliable and actionable insights while maximizing resource efficiency.

Estimation in Statistical Inference

We explored the world of sampling, understanding how to select a representative subset from a larger population. Now, with our sample in hand, we embark on the exciting journey of estimation: using sample data to make inferences about the population parameters.

What is Estimation?

Imagine trying to guess the average height of all students in your college. Measuring everyone would be impractical, so instead, you measure the heights of a sample of students and use the sample mean to estimate the population mean. This is the essence of estimation — using sample statistics to draw conclusions about population parameters.

There are two main types of estimation:

  • Point Estimation: This involves calculating a single value from the sample data as the “best guess” for the population parameter. For example, using the sample mean as an estimate for the population mean.
  • Interval Estimation: Instead of a single value, we provide a range of values within which we believe the population parameter lies, with a certain degree of confidence. This range is called a confidence interval.

Sampling Distribution: The Foundation of Estimation

Before delving into specific estimation methods, understanding the concept of a sampling distribution is crucial. Imagine taking multiple samples from the same population and calculating a specific statistic (like the mean) for each sample. The distribution of these sample statistics is called the sampling distribution.

Why is this important? The sampling distribution helps us understand how sample statistics vary and how close they tend to be to the true population parameter. This knowledge allows us to quantify the uncertainty associated with our estimates.

The Central Limit Theorem: A Statistical Superhero

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) is a fundamental concept in statistics. It states that, under certain conditions, the sampling distribution of the sample mean will be approximately normal, regardless of the shape of the population distribution. This holds true as the sample size increases.

How does this help us? The CLT provides a powerful tool for making inferences about population means using sample means, even if we don’t know the exact distribution of the population. This is why the normal distribution is so prevalent in statistical analysis.

Estimation in Action: Let’s Look at an Example

Imagine you want to estimate the average time people spend on social media daily. You collect a random sample of 200 people and find that the average time spent is 1.5 hours, with a standard deviation of 0.5 hours.

  • Point Estimate: You can use the sample mean (1.5 hours) as a point estimate for the population mean.
  • Interval Estimate: Using the CLT and assuming a 95% confidence level, you can calculate a confidence interval for the population mean. This would give you a range of values within which you are 95% confident the true average time spent on social media lies.

Trending Examples: Estimation in the Real World

  • Election Polls: Pollsters use sampling and estimation techniques to predict election outcomes based on a sample of voters.
  • Market Research: Companies estimate market share and consumer preferences using surveys and other sampling methods.
  • Quality Control: Manufacturers use sampling to estimate the defect rate in a production batch.
  • Medical Research: Researchers estimate the effectiveness of new drugs and treatments based on clinical trial data.

In conclusion, sampling and estimation are essential tools in statistics, enabling us to make educated guesses about population parameters based on sample data, thereby providing insights into larger populations with confidence and reliability.

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